This was fun but a bit more complex than I first imagined; the complexity being significant automation needed throughout the song. Just about each section and phrase needed rebalancing between the keys, guitar and sax as well as the vocals to maintain what I thought was the proper perspective. I could probably have done more.
What issues did you run into with this song?
The mix feels good. I kinda want a little more "thump" in the low end from the kick to just ground things a bit more. And I think the vocal could be a little more on top, it feels a little "foggy", and could use some de-essing. The solo levels feel good and come into focus when need be. It all works. Good job.
Early 2015 MBP | Logic 9 | Too many plugins | Earbuds
04-09-2020, 04:18 PM (This post was last modified: 04-09-2020, 04:18 PM by Mixinthecloud.)
(04-09-2020, 04:04 PM)RoyM Wrote: The mix feels good. I kinda want a little more "thump" in the low end from the kick to just ground things a bit more. And I think the vocal could be a little more on top, it feels a little "foggy", and could use some de-essing. The solo levels feel good and come into focus when need be. It all works. Good job.
Thanks for the comments Roy. I could have probably done some more automating and the vocals would have been where. At times they sit fine and at others get foggy, as you say. I tried putting some more kick in the bottom but found the feel to be off when I did. I wanted something a bit more pointilistic since there is a lot going on rhythmically. All good observations, so again, thanks for the time and comments.