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Mix v0.2
(02-04-2020, 10:42 AM)crownoise Wrote: Hey Mmga! I like this mix, really good. The problems i can find is that the verses feel a bit "of" versus the guitars. I like the guitartones you got here, you went even further then i did and made them heavy. I think if the vox comes up a bit and maybe the bass a tiny bit up you have a killer mix. Not a bad mix i got to say. What i did on my mix was i had a couple of boosts of expanders and transients boosters and also tiny bit of gating on some elements to make it less washy and untight, i hear some washiness in your mix and that could help it out.

Frequency-wise i think that the guitars are (in my opinion/preference) a bit heavy around 500-700. I know that those freqs are key in guitars to make them still have tone and feel heavy. Also i think that there are some distortion in the guitars around 1800hz since the guitars are hitting the roof there. The kick could def come upp around 4-5k a tiny bit and mostly i think in the 50-80hz area. I think the main problem is that the transients are a bit to smooth in the kick, you sorta need a bit smack i believe, don't get me wrong here, the kick is very nice tonally, has a good bass but i context or musically i think the grove can get better by emphasize the kick-attack. The snare feels a bit floppy also, could be a bit more "twangy". I had no samples but i think that could be a great thing to have on the snare, even though the snare sounded good to begin with.

The bass needs more 130-170 hz and some high mids in my monitoring situation, if the bass cuts the kick after that use a sidechaincompressor on the bass against the kick.

The toms are shy and also the overheads, find a way to make it louder and better sounding ;D Goodjob anyhow on this mix.

Thanks, really appreciate your feedback! Whole mix was done only on headphones so far, couldn't use monitors at that time. Used only Kick, Snare top, OH and Room mics, so basically it's just a place holder, imho they souns too clean, will try to go for more 'trashy' sound with more 1176 compression.
Bass is only the amp mic, will mix in DI for the low end, might also split the frequencies. Rock on m/

Messages In This Thread
Mix v0.2 - by MakeMixingGreatAgain - 01-04-2020, 10:34 PM
RE: Mix v0.2 - by crownoise - 02-04-2020, 10:42 AM
RE: Mix v0.2 - by MakeMixingGreatAgain - 02-04-2020, 12:50 PM
RE: Mix v0.2 - by micsamuel - 03-04-2020, 04:02 AM
RE: Mix v0.2 - by Roy - 03-04-2020, 01:57 PM