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You Know Better - Mix Entry
Hi Folks.... 20 minutes to New Year here (how sad am I?), and I humbly submit my mix to your fine community for review. Happy new year to all and I hope that 2019 is all that you hope it will be.

Just noticed on listen through that for some reason this file has the last few seconds chopped off... I'll investigate in the morning and upload a new, non-truncated file... apologies.



.mp3    YouKnowBetter-final.mp3 --  (Download: 8.28 MB)

Over-compressed causing tons of artifacts. Kill the buss compressor and try the mix without it and see what you come up with.
PreSonus Studio One DAW
[email protected]
(01-01-2019, 02:12 PM)Mixinthecloud Wrote: Over-compressed causing tons of artifacts. Kill the buss compressor and try the mix without it and see what you come up with.

Thank you for the feedback.
As requested, the attached mix has been decompressed Smile . Apologies for any aural distress my first attempt caused. Hopefully this one is better?



.mp3    YouKnowBetter-final2.mp3 --  (Download: 8.47 MB)

Hi tonyholmes! A very ear-catching Intro section here -- I genuinely flinched slightly in my seat when that solo guitar first played! Smile Some thoughts:
  • Overall, you've got a bit of a 2kHz honk to the mix tonality, and the sound could also tolerate a bit more sub-80Hz, I reckon.
  • Also, you've got yourself into a bit of an upper midrange arms-race, with the lead vocal, cymbals, rhythm guitar, piano, and hammond all competing in this spectral region. That makes moments like the Mid-section and the lead-up to the Outro rather abrasive.
  • There's a low resonance in the congas part that's confusing the bass line, so I'd try to filter that out, at least when the bass happens to be playing.
  • You've chosen a very bright tone for the rhythm guitar, which is fine in its own right, but the pick noise has also become distractingly present. I'd take out some of that transient with other processing if you're after that timbre.
  • Both guitars seem very dry, so they don't really blend with the production, and at times are a distraction from the vocal, depending on the level. One of them (eg. in Verse 2) is also very thin-sounding and dynamically uncontrolled, so doesn't really come through the mix too well, despite its musical interest.
  • In general, this mix needs more detailed automation work. I really noticed this with the lead vocal in Verse 3. In the first line (1:45), for instance, "the smile I" feels quite distant, whereas "see is telling" really jumps out front.

Hope some of that's useful for you -- thanks for contributing!