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Mix attempt
My very first mix attempt.
You will need a sub to hear the Bass and Drums in context.
I still need to de-ess the vocal.

Two takes, one with backing harmonies and one without.

.mp3    PrayForTheRainWithHarmony.mp3 --  (Download: 13.15 MB)

.mp3    PrayForTheRain.mp3 --  (Download: 13.15 MB)

Hi rwallingford

Thanks for mixing our track. Here are a few thoughts as I listen through.
- nice drum sound! The snare and toms seem quite prominent - I think they distract from the vocal a bit
- cool verse guitar edits
- I was thinking a bit more distorted guitar level at the chorus would help usher them in from the verses
- interesting approach at the middle section with the really quiet guitar - cool - I like it
- bass guitar feels like a bit of 1-2kHz could be pulled out

Thanks for sharing !


Thanks so much for the comments Thomas.

I will adjust the mix as per your suggestions and post it soon.

My goal is to make a final mix that you would like.

Hi Thomas,
It has been a few years, spinal fusion and heart issues myself, here's a new mix with your suggestions.
It still needs automation but haven't got there yet [Image: smile.gif]