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Suit You, Suit Me, Suit Everybody
(14-06-2017, 02:27 PM)RoyMatthews Wrote: To be honest my bass comment is more of a personal taste thing than an earbud thing. I mean, it can't hurt to check your mixes on different setups and especially earbuds because they're so ubiquitous. But they don't really have anything special going on for them.

The bass on this one is a little tricky because it's a programmed bass part so it has a weird, or at least different upper mid sound than most bass guitars. On re-listen I think part of it is that the upper part of the bass is in the same area as the piano. Again it's not really bad at all. As someone who's mixed this on I know what's there so I suppose I'm looking for it. A causal listen wouldn't think about it. I suppose that's part of the trap with analyzing mixes here is that we know every track and it's hard to take a step back and listen to the whole finished product. Instead of just eating the stew we pick at the potatoes.

I do trust your judgement Roy, whether it's subjective or not. One thing I really try to work hard on is translation. So I'm aways checking on different devices, Small bluetooth speakers, my latest addition. With so much music being consumed today through "buds" I'm being ignorant not to at lease check my balances and sound scape with these devices.
Interesting as far as analysing mixes on this site. For me I mostly love critiquing songs before I've explored the multi's and mixed them myself. I think this is purely for your reason above. I love listening to how a song in presented in different styles and flavours without the knowledge of the details or the ingredients. Likewise I find I become too blinded to give an objective critque whist working with a track and really need a break from the song for a few days to reset my senses and become open minded again. I generally mix with an almost spontaneous and instinctive driven direction for good or bad. Not a good state of mind for analysing others work.
This is why I also have an open mind with others critiquing my mixes. There will always be something that I will overlook, overcook or miss the mark with, that other Ears will help with.Smile

Messages In This Thread
Suit You, Suit Me, Suit Everybody - by Dangerous - 06-06-2017, 11:35 AM
RE: Suit You, Suit Me, Suit Everybody - by Roy - 07-06-2017, 01:49 PM
RE: Suit You, Suit Me, Suit Everybody - by kapu - 13-06-2017, 06:51 AM
RE: Suit You, Suit Me, Suit Everybody - by thedon - 13-06-2017, 11:59 AM
RE: Suit You, Suit Me, Suit Everybody - by Roy - 13-06-2017, 03:04 PM
RE: Suit You, Suit Me, Suit Everybody - by Cudjoe - 13-06-2017, 04:43 PM
RE: Suit You, Suit Me, Suit Everybody - by Roy - 14-06-2017, 02:27 PM
RE: Suit You, Suit Me, Suit Everybody - by Dangerous - 15-06-2017, 01:01 PM