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Lead Inc. - The Dice
Comments, critiques, suggestions, are welcome. hope you enjoy!!!!

.mp3    LeadInc.mp3 --  (Download: 11.02 MB)

If im right you have some reverb on a side also feel that some very low end is smuggled over there. I think if i could imagine the mix without it would sound very solid. Nice work also nice effect on vocal. Like it very much. Just my opinion Smile
(29-03-2016, 02:54 AM)Lethan Wrote: Hey,
If im right you have some reverb on a side also feel that some very low end is smuggled over there. I think if i could imagine the mix without it would sound very solid. Nice work also nice effect on vocal. Like it very much. Just my opinion Smile

thanks for the listen and the post! yeah, right on both. i was trying something with stereo effects. and i layered my bass with a wide stereo effect and was trying to make the layer feel like it was apart of the guitars. definitely gonna give it another go. thanks again for the comment
took the stereo off the bass, adjusted the sidechain compression on the bass, added a little more automation and cleaned up some mud. left the reverb, just made it more subtle. hope yall enjoy

.mp3    LeadInc2.mp3 --  (Download: 8.27 MB)

Yeah, thats much nicer. But still i have that impression there is too much low end on bass. Smile Nice work.
Hi Deballatoris,
I'm getting picky since I like the vibe of your mix.
For my taste both snare and Kick are a little to snappy and toppy. Other then that, like I said I really like the vibe.
Thanks for sharing.
TChianit said exactly what I'd say. Plus, there's a lot of low-end on the bass guitar, it's drowning the kick. And the bass could be a lot more defined, it sounds like it has a lowpass around 150hz or something like that.
And you should recheck your compression settings. There are clear cuts on the toms which could be hidden with proper compression settings.

Keep it up!
@lethan, @Tchianit, @wurstdrummer, thanks very much for the listen, and taking the time to comment. definitely gonna go back and rework it, not that a single one comment doesnt mean as much to me as the next, but when someone from the band or another pro leaves feedback it means alot, all i do is practice this stuff over and over, and comments really help in so many ways, thanks again fellas.
@wurstdrummer.. money on the compression, shortened the attack and I released it later but only on the sidechain that I put on the bass with the kick and Tom's inputed.made a huge difference to me, I think I got it in a good rythym to, just a little pumping. good ear on that one man, that's the kind of advice I need there. great ear wurst. and @lethan and @tchianit, you guys were also right on the bass, hp@72 small boost at 200 and I boosted 800 a little, didn't want to add the fret noise to much, cuz I don't know it would go with this song, I want some hum and grunge bass with this one, I think I'm missing some harmonics on the bass tho, if anyone has that kind of ear, ID love to know what the bass is lacking. I shelved the highs on the kick and snare, and adjusted the compression on the kick, I personally love the full body smack sound. still in the works of figuring out how to make things sound the way I would like them to, but artists opinion come first. I don't know, I could just be full of shit, blitzzz of hollow ground never like my mixes, but I was just not mixing it right, and he's a dick and very blunt, and I have no problem with that. you bands do something i can't do, make good music, so I try to compensate. I can't play instruments, and aren't really sure how they should sound, I'm learning, and the artists and pros that leave comments are amazing, no matter how much they don't like my mixes, it's you guys advice that help me get better. so thank you, very much. another words if you know what's up and what you're doing, let me know what I'm doing wrong. especially any of you crazy freaks out that can can pick up the slightest bit of anything thats just not right.
I appreciate the listens and advice. I'm gonna be one the best one day, just hope it ain't on my 95 fifth bday in a deathbed lol

.mp3    LeadInc3.mp3 --  (Download: 8.27 MB)

Well, that's a huge difference. The low end of your mix is nice and tidy.
First things first: Artist's opinion ist just an opinion. The tracks are here to get new ideas, creative input from the community, so it's meant to be absolutely torn apart. I'm still waiting for the first dubstep remix. So no, there are no restrictions to your creativity, just form the song as you want to have it. Smile

The bass guitar. Yesss, the bass. Always a good piece of work.
I know it sounds a little contraintuitive, but the bass forms the guitar sound in a song. If you want the guitars to sound nice and thick it isn't a bad idea to blend the distorted mids and high mids of the bass with the guitars while keeping the low end's dynamics lined up with the kick, that was my experience. Often a nastily distorted bass track added parallel to the original, but high-passed above the sweet spot (70-120hz) and slightly blended in gives a huge boost in "brutality" of the guitars. My bass player would kill me for saying this, but try.

Can't wait for your next mix, keep it up!