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Suit You, Suit Me, Suit Everybody
Geez, the new server uploads quick.Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin I normally click "Add Attachment" and go off and make a cup of tea. This was uploaded before I could get off the couch!

This is my first mix since having a few weeks rest and getting ready for Winter. What a great track to get back into it. Sometimes you can listen to a song and just know it's going to be fun to work with.

A straight forward mix with some slight arrangement changes just to try and help the song build. I have also tried to experiment with some saturation and crush. This is quite new to me and while working with only Reaper stock plugins and some nice freebees, I found this quite challenging. Lets just say I made good use of parallel compression through out.

I used a screaming chainsaw for referencing for this one.Confused Not really, but I have been hangin' off one for the last couple of weeks, cutting firewood. My head is still ringing. Seriously though, I did take some loose referencing from several tracks from "The Darkness". I like the "old school" vibe of this band combined with their "new age" sound and modern production. This was the first band I thought of when I listened to this track for the first time.

Thanks to Mike, Jet B and PatreonsBig Grin

.mp3    JetB_SuitYou_Dangerous#1.mp3 --  (Download: 8.45 MB)

.mp3    JetB_SuitYou_Dangerous#2.mp3 --  (Download: 8.45 MB)

Winter!? But wha...Oh, yeah.

I like it. It's a solid, tight mix.
I am losing the bass a little. I can feel it but there could be some more notes poking out to catch the ear.
I like the focus on the piano in the bridge. It helps change up the song a bit.
The vocals all sit nicely.

My only complaint is that it may feel a little over saturated. At least on the bass and guitar. They feel like one big sound. It's a very static sound becomes a bit of a wash. Also, it may be a little too compressed overall. It added tightness and a rock and roll sound but it'd be nice if the chorus popped a bit more. When the lead vocal goes into it's high voice at the chorus it naturally loses its body and weight but the level feels the same and the mix lightens ups bit. Personally, I wish there was some piano or organ in the chorus but that's just how the arrangement is. Not that I have any idea how to add that excitement that the chorus needs. I suppose in the confines of this mix you could expand the stereo stage with maybe a subtle stereo delay or spreader on the vocal or panning out the chorus BGVs. Though I do like how they work together to support the vocal. That might fall apart if they're spread too much. Ultimately you could widen the image and create some change in the mix without taxing the overall compression or changing the overall volume significantly.

Overall it's a very good mix but just a hair too static. It's like 90% there but could just use a little more to catch the ear.
Hope that helps.

It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
(07-06-2017, 01:49 PM)RoyMatthews Wrote: Winter!? But wha...Oh, yeah.

I like it. It's a solid, tight mix.
I am losing the bass a little. I can feel it but there could be some more notes poking out to catch the ear.
I like the focus on the piano in the bridge. It helps change up the song a bit.
The vocals all sit nicely.

My only complaint is that it may feel a little over saturated.

Thanks Roy, The saturation levels was something I wasn't too sure about and I guess trying to reference the overall effect from sources like YouTube isn't a good move to begin with. Based on your thoughts, I might try to automate the parallel compression tracks up and down through the song. This may help with some excitement and dynamic change. I do agree with some extra width for the chorus vocal part also.

I'm still not completely sure what to do with the bass. The tracks I referenced seem to use it for foundation purposes only with very little upper register response which I kind of tried to mimic . I did keep the bass track clean in this mix, perhaps some distortion could be the key here.

A great critique Roy, something for me to work on. Very much appreciated.Big Grin


Mix #2 Uploaded, some adjustments based on Roy's critique and other small tweeks. Thanks for listening.
Sounds good! I like hearing the parallel compression, or I'm not sure if it's parallel, but compression anyway. The idea for ending worked for me, maybe the edits there could have been smoother. Great work!
Hey Dave, I like Mix 2 better, the overall tone is quite good. I'd like to hear a bit more separation and interplay between the instruments, sounds a bit cluttered at the moment. Could be over-saturated perhaps. The very first hit of the kick drum at the start smacks really hard then dips back quite drastically into the mix when the rest of the instruments come in. Sounds like some masking and perhaps a bit too much buss compression.
Hey Dave ,Listening to version 2 ,I like the vibe , the buss compressor may just need backing off ,unless that's the sound your are going for.
Thinking maybe some upper bass could cut through a touch more.
Like your ideas !

Cheers Big Grin

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Hey Dave !

Yummy I really love your mix ! Just the bass that could come up a little bit. Love that saturation you put !
Hey Dave. I like V2. I do agree with don. It feels just a little restrained. Especially (and maybe only) the vocals. Level wise they're fine but the overall tone of the vocal feels too compressed. I like the sound but it needs some breathing room. Maybe you could fold in some of the uncompressed vocal and that might help. It's not terrible though. A minor point.

The bass could come up or maybe just bring out some of the upper mids more. It's hard to be sure on the earbuds but I think the bass is anchoring the mix just fine but some of it's notes could come through more.

There's a minor little click/noise at about :40

The only thing that bothers me is that the guitar that plays the riffs in the verses feels loud during the riffs (gtr 1? Panned right). The rhythm feels ok.

Good job.

It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
Hi Dave i prefer mix1 def sounds less compressed good work.