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Cunegonda: Guerra Alla Frontiera
Cunegonda: Guerra Alla Frontiera

.mp3    Cunegonda Final.mp3 --  (Download: 7.07 MB)

It feels pretty good. I'm not a fan of the snare. Is it a sample? It's a cool sound but it makes the part feel a little too mechanical. Same with the kick but not as much. The kick feels a little separated from the mix.

The bass could possibly use some minor low mid cuts. But it's hard for me to tell on the earbuds. I do like the 'guttural' sound it has and it really fits the song.

I like the flange effect in the guitar break.

The vocals all feel fine.

I think the whole mix could 'gel' a bit more.
Overall it sounds pretty good. There are some minor issues I have but nothing's too far off.
Hope that helps.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
Hello Roy:
Yes, the snare and the kick are sample replacements of the originals. I boosted some 800hz for the bass and trimmed it with a LP filter on 6 khz, too much rubbing with the guitars on those high mids. Thank you for your comments and I look forward to hear your version. Regards
I like your mix Sounds good ,the kick sample has a nice punch maybe just a touch more depth with a subtle room reverb or backed up by the room mics ,
Nice creative effects on the guitars and vocals .

Cheers Big Grin

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