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Tried a different approach. Any feedback is welcome and appreciated

.mp3    SUIT YOU 3.mp3 --  (Download: 8.37 MB)

There's a few things here that jump out at me.
-It's pretty mono. I think spreading out the guitars would open things up.
-Tha bass is a bit loud but I suspect it might be trying to be heard over the guitars. If there was more space in the center for it it might be able to come back and sit better. The same goes for the piano in the bridge. The bass and kick might be conflicting but I can't be 100% sure on these earbuds.
-The bgvs in the chorus are a loud.

-I like the lead vocal reverb. Nothin fancy but it works.
-I like the snare sound. It's a little 'papery' but it's a cool sound.

I'd say take another look at it. It feels a little off and I think you can tweak it and get everything to work together better.
Hope that helps.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
Thanks for the feedback i updated it
Thanks for feedback! Nice smaller punky approach. Guitars are quite nasty, and I'd say way too present and 'ear-drilling' in the upper mids. Everything else works nicely, and the sound is very authentic. I'd recommend resetting the guitar tweaks and try to refit them in to the mix. Could be an easy task as everything else seems to be sitting ok. ^_^
Yeah, I'm agreeing with kapu again. The upper end of the guitars are a bit too much. They're masking the snare and vocals. They're all just in that range. I don't know if you're boosting the guitars up there but dialing that back will clean up that bit of sonic real estate and also tuck the guitars back into the mix a little more.

There's a slight grittiness to the mix but I think it works. This song with all it's programmed parts needs a little help to make it a little more rock n' roll.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
I updated Def heard what you were talking about. Got to stop mixing late night with cervezas. Thanks Again
(01-06-2017, 06:57 PM)sagalegin Wrote: I updated [...]

Nice! I'm personally still a bit bothered by the 5-6k of snare, but overall sound is now way more pleasing. ^_^
Cool Version ,I'm looking forward to giving it a go !
+1 on the 5-6k on the snare ,maybe also taming some boxyness 300-400 on the snare also kick .
Can hear some clipping on kick but that may been intentional !

Cheers Big Grin

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Thanks for the feedbck ill give it another listen didn't see a clip over here but ill revisit it

thanks again