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The Dice
I hope you don't get offended by my mix.

.mp3    Lead Inc - The Dice.mp3 --  (Download: 13.82 MB)

.mp3    Lead Inc - The Dice_3.mp3 --  (Download: 13.82 MB)

.mp3    Lead Inc - The Dice_4.mp3 --  (Download: 13.82 MB)

Hey Sono,
I've got no doubt you are hearing this. For me it's just the drums are sounding somewhat deflated and lacking that "kick in the gut" and energy. When I switch to small monitors their impact almost disappears. That been said. I love your guitar tones and your forceful use of them. The rest of the mix is working well. It maybe just some compression decisions that are needed to make the drums explode. Referencing some commercial stuff my help. Try This. Electric Mary "Let Me Out"

Great work so far.

Thanks for feedback Dave. The reference track you've sent has definitely helped.

.mp3    Lead Inc - The Dice_2.mp3 --  (Download: 13.82 MB)

Hi Sono.
Nice second mix. You kept it very naturall. Just like it.
Hey Sono,

the guys, who played the bass in that song here.

I really dig your mix, well done! Really like the punch in bass and drums in your second mix.
Personally, I think the backing vocals are a tad too loud but that's just my personal opinion. Also the s-sounds sound a bit harsh to me.
Other than that I really enjoyed it!

Listened on my m50x.

Thank you for feedback guys. V3 is up.
Hey sono,
Listening to version 3 sounds great on my monitors ,i think if you could bring down the electric guitars and mainly the kick beater around 3-4db around the 3-4k area ,and just a touch less mid bass on the guitars around the 300-500hz area your mix would sound even better.
well done.
Cheers Big Grin

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Hey mate,

Listened to your third mix. Kick sounds awesome, but yeh just a tad loud. Guitars are lacking something for me, can't pinpoint it though, might just be the kick dominating. Cheers!
Thanks guys. V4 is up.
Very nice sounding mix. What did you do to main vocal. Nice fx it has, but it is harsh . A bit harsh gtrs for my taste. All in all good mix, but too much 2kHz to 5 kHz in choruses when vocals and gtrs get wild.