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An attempt was made. I probably over did it. I may have made it a bit worse in the "mastering" stage.
Oh well.

Edit: Ha, one star already! Thanks!

.mp3    Toxic-Mx01j.mp3 --  (Download: 6.5 MB)

Hey Roy, nice one. what energy you have captured, I feel knock out with what you have done with making all elements fit together, through out big sections. vocal sit nice , vocal backing cut through nice. drums nice balance.
nice the you have not compressed the track to a flat pan cake.

In my humble thoughts this is the best mix balance I have heard so far of the overall clarity, and balance of the vocals.
they sit just in the pocket for this genre.
There are personal preference on whether this track should sound warm, and slammed ; for me I like the tone you have gone for.

just to add a critique ; opening kick needs re addressing; firstly loudness and tone as it needs to match the transition to main part, sounds a little disconnected and clashes with some of you opening vocals;?
opening vocals sound great. nice balance of bass and kick in main section , kick subs too much in verse.
I have listened to this 4 times. It sounds great on my buds.

Roy, they are minor critique.

All in all what you have pull off, with all these fighting FQs is massive.

Nice work....

Keep on keeping on
Thanks for listening and commenting Rustyruss. I did have some issue with getting the kick sample at the right spot and it's hard for me to judge the subs while mixing on earbuds. I may come back to this one at some point but for right now I'm kind of sick of it!
Also Shul did a much better mix. You should check that out.