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Speak Softly: 'Broken Man' -WBurris Mix, first post.
Newer Mix Below!! First mix was terrible....

Hello everyone. I just found this website while searching for some mixes to practice on, very excited to see a community that does this.

Here is my first attempt at this mix. The downside is that I mixed this on Bose in ears.... I do have a set of Yamaha HS8's at home, but didn't get a chance to run the mix through them yet, so you may or may not hear alot of low end that these Bose didn't pick up.

Some info... I used the Waves Scheps 73, CLA-2A (Waves as well), some iZotope plugs, and basically did some parallel compression during a small mastering phase.

Song still seems a little too bright and hard on the ears during high vocal moments.

Any constructive criticism is appreciated!

This is an awesome song, props to the artists!


Messages In This Thread
Speak Softly: 'Broken Man' -WBurris Mix, first post. - by Wburris - 01-04-2015, 02:22 PM