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VMGY - Bloodshed Mix and Master
Thanks for the feedback. I can hear the snare stuff when he comes in through the blast beats a bit more. In hindsight, I think that I should have thrown an L1 on that track to bring out the 16th note blast beats a bit more. The drums in the right channel was intentional. It was the MIDI drums, just immensely processed and panned right. Just a little experiment I did and I thought it sounded cool. The kick was bone stock, save for some parallell compression, so I was afraid of adding way too much mud to the mix and then bouncing the mix to master to fight with the low end. I can defilitely hear the clicky-ness of the kick, and I'll try some methods of getting some low end without getting a whole bunch of mud.

Messages In This Thread
RE: VMGY - Bloodshed Mix and Master - by brandon_parker - 29-07-2020, 07:34 PM