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Rainy day II - my mix
Hey thanks for submitting! Man, I really like a lot of things about this mix.

1) I think it's an interesting choice to spread the main guitar across the stereo field.
2) I really don't like my voice on this song (and the whole album really) but I think it comes across real clear, what vocal processing did you do?
3) I like your use of reverb. It sits a little on the dry side but I like the subtlety.
4) The tonal balance and level balance for the most part sounds great to me. I hear a lot of poorly balanced mixes, not necessarily on this song specifically, but in general in mix competitions or on the forum so yours comes through nice and clear. I have a couple gripes below but overall it's nice and I think I like the tone of your mix more than mine. Mine's a little too light.

A few things to pick about:

1) I don't like how clicky the kick drum is. I don't think I recorded it well so I understand boosting that area a bunch but I think pulling it back a bit would sound better.
2) The backing vocals are dead center. I feel like they benefit from being spread out a bit. They're a challenge to get to sit right, or at least they were for me and I don't think I nailed it, but the idea was to have a big, strong wall of "ahh"s.
3) The higher pitch acoustic guitars that come in on the second part are much too loud and my blunder at their beginning is far too prominent!
4) The yelling at the end could use some extra reverb or distortion or something. The delay effect sounds a little awkward to me without any distance on the actual vocal. I like the trash room mic I recorded more than the direct sound so maybe some of that could help.

As I usually post on here, I'm no professional mixer so take my comments lightly and I'm biased as the artist so my vision may be different from yours. But still I like hearing the different mixes of this song and commenting so I hope it's of some use. And if it isn't, let me know so I stop doing it ;].

Messages In This Thread
Rainy day II - my mix - by silvio.hotpanzer - 09-06-2020, 02:09 AM
RE: Rainy day II - my mix - by GinghamJones - 09-06-2020, 03:58 AM
RE: Rainy day II - my mix - by silvio.hotpanzer - 09-06-2020, 07:42 PM