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FytaKyte - Life Gets In The Way (Ulakin mix)
Hi Ulakin - nicely done mix. I like the drum sounds and they way you mixed the vocals was really excellent, especially the harmony blends - lovely. You also mixed the guitar solo/breakdown part really well

A few things I noticed.
- The intro guitar is a bit loud.
- The mix needs more long term dynamics. It is kind of "loud all the time" and the chorus doesn't hit like it should as a result. The arrangement is designed in a way so that the chorus has real impact, but because everything in your mix is already so loud, it has nowhere to go at that point. Maybe try some master buss volume automation.
- The mix is lacking a little bit of clarity - there is a bit of a buildup in the low mids that could be cleaned up to help the low end be tighter and fuller. At present it is just a tiny bit "mushy" sounding down there. Not too bad, but could be improved.

Nice work!
All 10 FytaKyte Multi-Tracks available for you to mix with purchase of Album here:

Messages In This Thread
RE: FytaKyte - Life Gets In The Way (Ulakin mix) - by FytaKyte - 03-06-2020, 08:49 AM