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Magician's Nephew: 'Symphony Of Silence'_mix Tommy Marcinek
(02-05-2020, 01:44 PM)RoyM Wrote: A quick listen before coffee but it feels good. I think the vocal might be a bit too wet and or out front but I don't hate it. I'm more listening as the band as opposed to me. I'm kinda missing 'feeling' the floor tom in the pre-chorus. I feel like they were part of the melody somehow that never really came through the recording.
It's interesting reading your post because the one thing that jumps out at me is the kick. It's not subby, as far as I can tell but very much in the front but not in a bad way. Maybe it's a little disconnected? At least in the intros/verses.

I think the sub frequency subject comes from the relatively recent ability for the average person being able to reproduce them and not having to worry about the low end for vinyl. I'm all for using all the frequencies we can, safely. It's primal, I get it. But most people do abuse it and don't know how to use/handle it.

It works. It's pleasant to listen to. The vocal is in the spotlight. It's a good mix. Maybe it could do more but it's good as is.

If anything changes after I have my coffee I'll let you know. It's a new brand so hopefully I'll be in a good mood.

------------------ brand of coffee. You are right about the vocal being too wet....I'll go in there and fix that for sure. The kick is prominent, as I like it and wanted it, but not in the extreme low end. I like an upfront kick with the beater really coming through. As most people know, making sure that the beater click is heard helps to translate well to small speakers and small listening environments....such as T.V.'s, tablets, phones, etc. Plus, I just love the way it sounds. :-) It's kind of my signature kick sound. I manage to get that sound no matter the track/s provided, through eq, gating, compression, etc....sometimes a transient shaper.

Thanks for the feedback. 


Tom - Tommy Marcinek

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RE: Magician's Nephew: 'Symphony Of Silence'_mix Tommy Marcinek - by tjmtruth - 02-05-2020, 09:46 PM