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Georgia Wonder, "Siren" Mix/Master by David Rubin
(01-05-2020, 03:59 PM)loweche6 Wrote: Hi David!

Listening the your mix my only thought (in terms of possible criticism) is that made the vox are a little dark and hard to understand?  But, here's the rub, it's a dance song, and I think I love how dark your vox are. 

You didn't do anything to reinvent the wheel, but that is not necessary to do all the time (and probably kind of detrimental, hah). 

Solid choices in terms of levels, nice subtle movement throughout, with just evenly rounded tones and a strong beat.

Really really nicely done!
thanks a-lot! 
Maybe I'll brighten up the vocals for the next one. Yes, I think what your saying makes a lot of sense because generally I just like classic sounding mixes. Well balanced, full sounding and accentuating the parts that I feel have the most impact. Personally I find a lot of the mixes on here to be a bit gratuitous, effects and over editing runs rampant. Appreciate the comment a lot!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Georgia Wonder, "Siren" Mix/Master by David Rubin - by davidrubin66 - 01-05-2020, 08:09 PM