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The Forthcoming Turn Registered Mix
Okay first of all, the rule of thumb for 99% of rock and metal guitars ... panning one of them 100% Left and another 100%Right. This is why there are always 2 seemingly identical guitar tracks recorded aka. double tracking. Put on your producer hat and listen to any guitar driven music (grunge/metal/rock/punk/hardcore etc. and you will notice thet the rhythm guitars are hard panned to left and right ear to create the famous term 'Wall of Guitars'. You kinda did the opposite thing. The bass sounds stereo, but the guitars are all muddled up in the center, and the fact that the performance of both guitars and bass in this song is not clean at all makes the mix sounds even worse. I promise you hard panning the guitars will open your mix up to sounding like a decent demo at least. And if you have spare time I suggest you do some tedious editing to fix the playing as well. The drums sound relatively fine, and don't worry about the strings for now. Once you place the guitars correctly in the stereo space then you can decide how to blend them in. Welcome to the site, good luck and have fun!

PS. btw if you're new to mixing I kinda recommend you start with easier genres like pop or hiphop. They relies more on the production by the artists/producers themselves while more 'acoustic' genres usually require more polishing from mixing (and even more from the recording engineer and the musician's performance but that's irrelavant). But if you like metal then I go ahead!

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Forthcoming Turn Registered Mix - by bcs_mix - 27-04-2020, 11:11 AM