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Earth Frequencies Mix
Hi Earth Frequencies

- some nice width going in the intro - like it. Vocals getting a bit lost though - just a volume vs the guitar thing
- like your reverb and/or delay choice
- left guitar in the chorus is poking out a bit more for me than the right side - pulls the mix a little left for me
- second verse - loving the atmosphere created
- yes - left rhythm guitar is brighter I think
- kick could maybe sound a bit tighter - has the track been time aligned?
- like the whisper treatment
- rhythm guitars are commanding the attention vs. the lead in the middle - perhaps automate them down at this part
- background vocals sound great - nice chorus effect Smile
- lead part at end - same comment that rhythm guitars could be automated down a bit here

Lots to like in this mix - thanks for sharing ! Hope these comments are helpful.




Messages In This Thread
Earth Frequencies Mix - by Earth Frequencies - 14-04-2020, 09:55 AM
RE: Earth Frequencies Mix - by ThomasStevenson - 19-04-2020, 10:12 PM