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Nerve 9: 'Living Lie'_mix Tommy Marcinek
(04-04-2020, 04:35 AM)ThomasStevenson Wrote: Hi Tom - thanks for mixing our track and sharing !

Nice mix - I enjoyed listening to it ! It wasn't recorded altogether, so yes, some blending is required. I can offer you some observations as I listen through:

The cymbals sound good. The overhead tracks are close to the cymbals, so some attention on them is needed. I like your snare sound and your drum reverb choice.

The bass guitar part cuts through nicely - I felt it's level in the bridge/quiet part was a bit high, but a subjective comment.

Highlight for me was your treatment of the lead guitar sections - those are my parts, so even higher compliments Smile

If you were mixing it for me, there are two key things I would point out. Heavy chorus guitars - they are low in the balance for my taste. It's a bit of a lost opportunity to bring the chorus in with a lot of impact (and especially on the first notes of the chorus - could be automated higher).

The second is the lead vocal reverb choice. It wasn't really warming to it - I get your point about the live feel, but maybe a bit less of that reverb and some use of delays - like you did on the lead guitar - would help in this regard. Totally a taste based/subjective comment, but one that I can offer as a stakeholder in the track.

Solid mix - enjoyed your mix vision/direction. Thanks for mixing our song again !




Thanks very much for your input, especially since you are the artist/s, it really carries a lot of weight. I agree about the reverb on the vocal and am going to try something else, like exclusively "delays" and no reverb. I have heard of many mixing engineers using that approach and it may work for your song. I also agree about the guitars in the chorus.....they are getting a bit lost when they have more energy going into it, etc.....just as you said. I definitely want to go back into this mix and post another version with these revisions discussed. Hope to have another mix posted soon. I'll leave the current one for comparison.

Thanks again for your feedback and compliments on the areas that pleased you as the artist.

Tom - Tommy Marcinek

Messages In This Thread
RE: Nerve 9: 'Living Lie'_mix Tommy Marcinek - by tjmtruth - 05-04-2020, 05:09 PM