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I like the song, but I don't understand multiple guitaras plays the same role?
Again, thanks for your inputs.

This song ... mixing and arrangement wise there's not a whole lot into it. It's really ... I lack words. If I were a music critic, I'd probably describe the song as "naive, bordering to immature". Since I am not, I'm not gonna do that. I do however think that it is a song with a lot of unreleased potential ...

Totally agree with you on the vox FX. Just a desperate try to do ... well, something, anything really.

The guitars, on the other hand ... just listening to the guitars, I actually think that they sound almost exactely like the way, I these guitar recordings to sound. With that being said, it doesn't necesarily mean that it works in a mixing context. I'll do a do-over, where I thin the guitars a bit more.

I have a Polish friend, who is a sound engineer. Oh, and a Czech one too.


Messages In This Thread
RE: I like the song, but I don't understand multiple guitaras plays the same role? - by Krabbe - 23-03-2020, 09:36 AM