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You and Me and the Radio (Don Perignon Mix)

Thanks for the comments! Yea I'm a sucker for compression. lol Maybe it's a touch too much, it could be a little more dynamic cause I do see what you mean by energy drop. Could be the compression messing with the attack of the snare too...I'm new to mixing drums.

I just got my new speakers (KRK VXT6's) and I can actually hear bass now with the help of acoustic treatment too of course. I have a lot of fun messing with bass and it seems to be the #1 compliment I get. I usually start with the API 550 EQ presets (forbidden word lol), one usually ends up working. Then I compress, slow attack (in this case 7ms), slow release (600ms) and threshold to around 6 dB or so, I kinda compress the crap out of it. Then I EQ all the top end to around 800 to 900 Hz to get a real thick bottom, depending on the song of course.

Don Perignon
Mix Engineer / Hobbyist

Messages In This Thread
RE: You and Me and the Radio (Don Perignon Mix) - by Don Perignon - 22-08-2013, 01:55 AM