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Digital Only Logic Proz Late Night Neverland Butt Hoe
I listened to the mastered version. Sounds great. I like the solid low end. Sounds very balanced tonally.
I think the chorus could pop more dynamically. The chorus guitars don't feel harsh to me but maybe too 'thick' and don't cause the chorus to jump enough. I feel like the tone of the guitars in the chorus should be the tone of the chorus piano and the guitars could be a little brighter and thinner and both the guitars and piano could exist without one masking the other.
The last chorus especially feels too constrained by the overall compression after the quieter break. The build off doesn't pay off enough. I think the "Drop" track (SFX2?) may be the biggest culprit. That extra low end may trigger the extra compression. Maybe there's a LF side chain function on the compressor.
The solo guitars may feel a little 'grainy'. It might be the added distortion.
Really like the vocals.

Good job.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Digital Only Logic Proz Late Night Neverland Butt Hoe - by Roy - 02-12-2019, 08:17 PM