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E J Rios - Echo (feat. Analise Rios)
Hey, i'll offer my two pence if it is worth anything!

I personally would like to hear some more reverb or delay on the main vocals, as you said yourself it plays such a major role. Don't get me wrong, the vocals sound very nice and warm but I think just some audible reverb or something might help. Having said that though it might lose that intimacy you are going for. Maybe just have it in the chorus? Maybe increasing the volume of the drum room mikes (high hats etc..) as well in the bridge.

I'm really not a fan of the high pitch vocal tracks recorded. You definitely have made it sound more in tune, but i think i might has some sort of effects next time to make it less obvious which is something I might try in my next version.

Messages In This Thread
E J Rios - Echo (feat. Analise Rios) - by mikej - 06-11-2019, 10:02 PM
RE: E J Rios - Echo (feat. Analise Rios) - by Roy - 21-11-2019, 03:31 PM
RE: E J Rios - Echo (feat. Analise Rios) - by Roy - 21-11-2019, 06:37 PM
RE: E J Rios - Echo (feat. Analise Rios) - by [email protected] - 22-11-2019, 04:19 AM