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E J Rios - Echo (feat. Analise Rios)
Listened to V1.1 The snare is a little dead sounding (ha I just read the don's posts*). I like the vocals for the most part. The lead could be a hair more interesting. I think the balance of the chorus vocals is a bit off and could use less "lead" and more of the BGVs/Harm parts though overall the BGVs are a bit loud, they just need some rebalancing. Yeah, I'm not a fan of them either but they're what we have to work with.

I think overall it could be a hair brighter. A little more upper mids. It's a pop song and needs that extra bit of sugar and spice to catch the ear. You have to pretend you're a teen girl listening to it.

(*I checked out a bit of V1 and can hear what thedon was referring to regarding the snare/vocal. I think in V1 the snare was 'boxy' and I think those low mids in the snare are what were causing the masking. I still think the snare could have more crack though)
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.

Messages In This Thread
E J Rios - Echo (feat. Analise Rios) - by mikej - 06-11-2019, 10:02 PM
RE: E J Rios - Echo (feat. Analise Rios) - by Roy - 21-11-2019, 03:31 PM
RE: E J Rios - Echo (feat. Analise Rios) - by Roy - 21-11-2019, 06:37 PM