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FytaKtyte_Bitter !!!! Check me out
Hey KN - Very nice mix! Sounding great... I would have never guessed it is only your second mix - you've really got things dialled very well here. Good clarity, frequency balance and separation. Nice full and punchy low end. The lead vocals are up front and clear.

Some things I noticed:
- A few of the "s" sounds are right on the edge of being over-de-essed and lisping a tiny bit. Most of the sibilance sounds spot-on though.
- The lead vocals get a little too loud in the choruses - they start to diminish the power of the instruments somewhat. Getting that proportion right is the key to retaining the impression of a powerful band.
- The toms are lacking in body and fullness, with an over-abundance of transient information. I'm hearing this especially on the floor tom, but the rack toms suffer from it also, although to a lesser degree. Perhaps use faster compressor attack or a transient designer-type plugin to tame the transients, and bring up the "bloom" of and sustain of the tom hits in comparison to the initial transients.

Very nice work!
All 10 FytaKyte Multi-Tracks available for you to mix with purchase of Album here:

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RE: FytaKtyte_Bitter !!!! Check me out - by FytaKyte - 08-05-2019, 08:45 AM