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Hollowstate: Gravediggers
Lots of nice elements so far. I think the verses sound really good and have great balance.

I think you may have some low end masking/phase cancellation problems. The kick sounds huge in the verses e.g after the vocal in verse one "...cant stop looking up" and drums pattern is kick, kick, snare. Sounds excellent! but during the choruses when the bass is less staccato and therefore taking up more low end bandwidth the kick seems to drop 3 dB in level. There may also be phase issues with the electronic kick that comes in then too. Some 6dB/oct low passing on bass and/or e-kick may help possible phase cancellation in this area

From a long term dynamic point of view, the choruses seem smaller than the verses. The percussion gives lots of width during the verse but then that all collapses in the choruses and i can only really hear the soaring chorus guitars in the central channel. I'm not sure if that's where they're panned but that's the effect I'm hearing.

The guitar solo is also oddly low.....its quieter than the bass and rhythm guitars and way quieter than the post solo FX guitars in the breakdown that follows.

Its a deceptively tricky mix, not helped by the original arrangement that seems to have everything playing at the same time.

Good job so far - you're probably a few editing decisions away from a great sounding mix.



Be fierce in your encouragement, kind in your criticism and try and remember that the art of a good critique is not to make someone else's mix sound like yours...but to help the mixer realize their own vision.

Messages In This Thread
Hollowstate: Gravediggers - by axxessdenied - 23-02-2019, 01:05 PM
RE: Hollowstate: Gravediggers - by kapu - 23-02-2019, 10:13 PM
RE: Hollowstate: Gravediggers - by HbGuitar - 23-02-2019, 10:42 PM
RE: Hollowstate: Gravediggers - by axxessdenied - 23-02-2019, 11:31 PM
RE: Hollowstate: Gravediggers - by axxessdenied - 24-02-2019, 01:09 AM
RE: Hollowstate: Gravediggers - by Cudjoe - 25-02-2019, 11:18 AM
RE: Hollowstate: Gravediggers - by axxessdenied - 26-02-2019, 07:58 PM