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Ikebe Shakedown: 'The Last Stand' kapu mix
(08-01-2019, 09:31 PM)crownoise Wrote: Hey Kapu, nice [...]

sometimes i clip through apogee rosetta 200, but not here. in this case the mix bus is:

uad api 2500 with 4:1, 30ms attack, long auto release, soft knee, normal tone. uad headroom set a notch lower, so every know and then it clips at -3 dBFSish, adjusted with make up gain. doing 1-2 dBs of gain reduction.

huge fabfilter disco smile preset linear phase multiband compression with ~35% mix. doing loads of gain reduction, overall effect adjusted with the mix by ear.

uad precision maximizer (3 band saturation), with around 40% effect/shape and 60% mix (ear adjusted). usually end up with somewhere between 40-60% for both parameters.

uad elysia alpha master compressor. no compression, only the clipping stage. as much clipping as possible (ear adjusted).

ozone limiter. standard irc 1 mode. slow speed. threshold so, that it kicks in every now and then, just to cut the 'empty' headroom. ^_^

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ikebe Shakedown: 'The Last Stand' kapu mix - by kapu - 09-01-2019, 08:40 AM