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Amy Helm & The Handsome Strangers: 'Rescue Me
HPY, Kirk!

Focusing on v2, drums sound pretty much albumlike to me, I couldn't tell it's a live recording. Big wide toms take me out of a song more often than not, but here they sound beautiful. The snare has great presence and the hat and OH's are natural sounding. Reverb works nicely, too!

Kick is loud and too aggressive for the rest of the kit. Actually, I think I prefer the kick-bass combo in v1. Bass sounds articulate in both versions, but it's a little rounder and warmer in v1, glueing better with the tamer kick.

The mandoline playing is just too sloppy, so thou it's remarkable how "isolated" you made it to be (it doesn't sound DI-like and the mic track was pretty useless to me since there was more band than mandoline in), it kinda weakens the tune a little. It works great when it's matching the snare, not so well when it's loose strumming.

I also digged how you used the right side to "tell" the space. There's a 3D quality to it and it shines when the drummer hits the ride.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Rescue Me - New Fixed Version - by KMuzic - 02-05-2018, 12:10 AM
RE: Rescue Me - New Fixed Version - by davemcg61 - 03-05-2018, 01:44 AM
RE: Amy Helm & The Handsome Strangers: 'Rescue Me - by Deliza - 03-01-2019, 10:14 AM