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First mix, first post
So, it's been over four years since my first post and I'm about to make my second - time flies! I haven't been participating in these forums but I HAVE been recording and mixing and reading and taking classes. I think I've read Mike's book about 4 times and I'm about to start a fifth pass. I thought it would be fun to come back and (quickly) remix the same song to see if I've progressed in 4 years.

Mix Prep: I ended up doing mostly the same thing but much quicker this time around.

Vocals: I didn't worry about the bleed so much this time around. I used many more sources of distortion and saturation on the vocals. UAD Distressor Emulation, SoundToys Little Radiator, SoundToys Decapitator on the Chorus, I even used a Tube Screamer emulation as a parallel compressor on the vocals.

Bass: I own iZotope RX now so i used that to remove the noise. I used the UAD SVT3 Emulation followed by an LA-2A and a little EQ to tamp down a frequency that was jumping out.

Stereo Image: I did a ton more processing to make the mono tracks stereo (SoundToys Microshift, Waves PS Spread)

Drums and Percussion: I slammed them harder and used a pinch of SoundToys Devil Loc. It created a couple of weird artifacts here and there but I decided to live with them.

Gain Staging: I have many more layers of compression on the tracks, groups of tracks, and the master bus.

I actually haven't listened to my old version yet - I'm about to as soon as I post this. I'm assuming I beat it though. It will be embarrassing if I didn't Smile

Feedback appreciated!

.mp3    Fragile Thoughts Part Deux.mp3 --  (Download: 7.37 MB)


Messages In This Thread
First mix, first post - by UprightJoe - 03-11-2014, 12:31 AM
RE: First mix, first post - by jeremias666 - 03-11-2014, 02:00 AM
RE: First mix, first post - by UprightJoe - 16-09-2018, 08:03 PM
RE: First mix, first post - by UprightJoe - 21-09-2018, 05:10 AM
RE: First mix, first post - by UprightJoe - 13-01-2019, 04:47 PM