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Triviul - Widow - Dr.sous mix (will return all feedback!)
Hey Dr. Sous, its a pretty good mix! Really solid in the low end.

A few points that I think would take this mix to the next level:

1. Try reducing the reverb wetness on the lead and background vocals, they sound a little bit distant compared to the rest of the instruments.

2. I like how you utilized the stereo field for the shaker/percussion element that comes in during the chorus, but it sounds a touch abrasive to my ear. Try lowering the volume of that to sit it better in the mix.

3: Cool effect you did my panning the string sound left to right throughout the song, sometimes it is a bit abrupt of a change though. Maybe just take a look at making the timing between left and right pan position more consistent, I think it would really help establish the rhythm of your mix!

Overall pretty good though!

You should take a listen to my mix of this song and let me know what you think! Smile

Messages In This Thread
RE: Triviul - Widow - Dr.sous mix (will return all feedback!) - by OG GOOSE - 14-08-2018, 05:42 AM