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ALONE WITH YOU/ please give notes
Hey 1Ton!
I like your mix alot! I think the only thing that i would look into is how you've used reverb, if any at all?. Of course it's a personal thing how much reverb you would want to add to a song, but for me this mix feels a bit dry. I think the drums and vocals would blend with the other instruments beautifully if you added some to them. I would suggest making an aux of the whole drumkit and find a nice verb to it. It's imortant not to overdo it though. Sometimes it does wonders if you can just feel the reverb rather than clearly hear it. After finding a nice sounding reverb for the whole kit, you might want to play around with individual verbs for maybe the snare, toms and kick.
Try a plate reverb for the vocals. Since the song is pretty slow, try a long reverb with a long pre delay. Once again, don't overdo it!
Other than that, i think you've done a great job! Keep it up!

Messages In This Thread
ALONE WITH YOU/ please give notes - by 1Ton - 02-07-2018, 06:06 PM
RE: ALONE WITH YOU/ please give notes - by Bangbang - 02-07-2018, 06:56 PM