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Dark Ride: 'Burning Bridges'
1. The Singer is singing in a cave, the band is not. Reduce the amount of ambient on the voice by a large amount and put the singer right up my nose instead of placing him 50 meters away from the band. try to use as little reverb/delay on the voice as you can - and then reduce it even more by 5-10%. that's the place where the vocals need to be. Not in the back of a cave. Not in a hall, not in a room. They need to be "in your face" - 1 cm away from your nose,

2. Bring the bass down and see if you can also bring it more in line with the guitars. Think "more distortion on the mids" and "less sub/bass". right now it sounds like there is a hole in the mix, right between the guitars and the bass. Ideally, bass and rhythm guitars should sound like one big wall of sound. A tight, massive and pretty wall of sound. Trump would say: "The best wall of sound" Smile Tip: Use a low shelf on the bass and bring the bass frequencies up to 200hz down by 3db, then bring up 1k on the bass and distort everything above 500 hz. its easier if you split the bass in two tracks for this method. you can also use a multiband distortion plugin like FabFilter Saturn if you work with a single bass track. that should fill the hole between guitars and bass.

3. And the number one thing everybody seems to get wrong on this forum: Bring the damn choir down in the guitar solo. It is a guitar solo. I repeat: It is a guitar solo. It is not a choir solo. The choir is there to support the guitar solo - not to kick the guitar player off the stage and jump in the spotlight. I really regret that I recorded that piece of choir and added it to the solo part because everyone seems to go full Manowar as soon as they hear a choir in a metal song Smile Again, just in case my message didn't reach your brain: The choir is ONLY in this song because of ambience, it does not deserve a place in the spotlight :-P

4. Also, bring down the amount of ambience on the solo guitars. It's just too much obvious delay.

Beside those 4 things it's a pretty robust mix.

Messages In This Thread
Dark Ride: 'Burning Bridges' - by gama042083 - 08-01-2018, 10:04 PM
RE: Dark Ride: 'Burning Bridges' - by Blitzzz - 11-01-2018, 01:12 PM
RE: Dark Ride: 'Burning Bridges' - by Blitzzz - 16-01-2018, 08:30 AM
RE: Dark Ride: 'Burning Bridges' - by Blitzzz - 24-01-2018, 01:45 PM