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Turkuaz: 'Lookin' Tough, Feelin' Good' kapu mix
Hey kapu! I like what you have achieved here, its really soft this mix and i like that, as mentioned a warm sounding mix. It might be a liiitle to stale for my taste though, it feels a bit dry for being a live performance, so maybe some mixbus or some fx and distortion could be benefitial. Still i like the balances, but the vocals are a bit to dry and unprocessed. I know you said that you forgott the toms, well i sort of forgot the vox harmonies so i know it can happen Wink but i didn't feel like they really contributed that much anyway.

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RE: Turkuaz: 'Lookin' Tough, Feelin' Good' kapu mix - by crownoise - 04-10-2017, 05:45 PM