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We Fell From The Sky : Not you - Crownoise!
(26-08-2017, 04:31 PM)jimmyklane Wrote: Crownoise,

Were you having trouble balancing the kick/bass combo? Here are my issues with this (admittedly by you a super rough mix).... the vocals are clear, in other words I can hear all the lyrics but I still think they are a tad low in the mix....maybe a 1-1.5dB goose to them? Also the drums and bass are muddy as hell (on my apple earbuds which tend to show these problems fairly clearly)... I'd suggest hoghpassing the bass at the second harmonic of the low E: 82Hz, and then boosting around 800Hz (depends on the amp, but that's the ballpark) to give it both harmonic interest as well as some "cut"...this will allow you to dip the level a bit. I obviously cannot hear the drums in isolation, but my guess is that this is one of those mixes where you placed the kick above the bass and are using the bass to "anchor" the track. That's where I'm hearing the issues, and if you do all this you might end up thinking the mix is a bit thin, so use the guitars to fill out the track....they are muddy like they were recorded with a ribbon on a 15" speaker!!!

In short: I'd go for the punk rock vibe with a slightly thinner sound, dip the EQ on both the toms and the bass, goose the vocal a touch, and back off of the compression just a little even though this song is just begging to be smashed to bits!

I hope this is a little bit helpful. Also, I've redone 21 Grams with your advice in mind. You've got good ears ($20 headphones or not!) and your comments were spot-on. I'd love your opinion on the 2 new ones: "Rev5" and "Rev6" (6 was sent out to cassette at double speed just for kicks!)

Other than these minor issues, most of which boil down to stylistic and aesthetic choices instead of real problems, you've done a pretty decent job for what's probably 30-45 minutes work!


Hey man! Yes i do agree this mix wasn't so good, and yes the guitars are mellow and the vocals are very low in the mix, i sort of failed so prob should have done a remix day after when i had more time and reload that, i can try one time again we will see. Yes sure i can comment on that Smile

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RE: We Fell From The Sky : Not you - Crownoise! - by crownoise - 27-08-2017, 12:54 PM