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Promises and Lies (Wet Version)
Solo guitar is fairly loud.
Lead vocal is too far out front. Also sounds too dry. (Adding reverb/delay will also help it blend better.)
Bass guitar is there but lacks definition.

Mix feels pretty narrow. Sounds like everything is center panned and then there's a stereo reverb its being fed through. When I sum to mono, there is very little change. I'd take the two backing guitar parts and hard pan them left and right for a start. Then as suggested in the other thread, pan your drums to sounds as a real kit would. Take your cues from the overhead mics on where to place things.

Also, there were backing vocals in the recording. I didn't hear them here. That can be a valid choice to drop them but you risk making the mix less interesting.

So there you go. Take it from there and add refinements. Smile
Old West Audio

Messages In This Thread
Promises and Lies (Wet Version) - by Alexiou981 - 12-08-2017, 03:35 PM
RE: Promises and Lies (Wet Version) - by azwayne - 16-08-2017, 04:11 AM
RE: Promises and Lies (Wet Version) - by Shul - 18-08-2017, 09:39 PM