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Crownoise - Sleep by the fire - Need HELP please!

Last night it was around midnight when I listened to this, so it was all on headphones. Giving it another listen on the monitors today and it sounds really good. I think you nailed this one. Love the vocal treatment, love the overall depth of the mix and the stereo imaging. Maybe the vocal is a touch bright for my taste (which you already noticed), but other than that, very nice.

I think the woolliness was the bass - there's a lot of very low, long notes and trapped inside those little padded cans over my ears it had nowhere to go.

I did notice a very faint bit of high end hiss or noise at a few points. I'm wondering - is there a crash cymbal that's been mixed WAY down in there, or maybe only coming through a reverb channel or something? If not, it might just be something on the original recording that a compressor is amplifying. I doubt the average consumer "lo-fi" system would even notice it ;-)


Messages In This Thread
RE: Crownoise - Sleep by the fire - Need HELP please! - by CJ Fuller - 30-07-2017, 06:36 AM