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I'm Alright ((Softube Console 1, SSL 400))
Hey how are you doing gckhai. I first want to mention i listen on pretty cheap headphones, but i have to admit that the intro blew my ears out. Feels like you are over-exaggerating just about everything in the mix (exept for the vocals which sound nice because it hasn't been that much processed relative to the other instruments) leaving nothing to keep your focus on. Its hard to even know what to listen for and that creates fatigue to your ear. There is a famous experiment from where i don't know where and from whom who said it. But your ear gets accustomed very quickly. If everything is upfront and with flat dynamics then nothing will breath. Also it feels like the top end has been shaved of with compression with super fast compression. My suggestion, and this is something made even worse mixes by me then this go to a better place. The advice is to mix at low volumes. In that way you are not only keeping your ears protected, but you also hear the space around things better. This is of course more important when mixing on headphones then monitors, but still i think you got talent, i just feel that with that bass that chops your head of with sustain and no punch and the over aggro highs in the tamburines etc that you need to think less is more. Take you're attack times bit down in ms, and also slower release when compressing. The kick is fine, so is the snare but thats about it, keep up the mixing!

Messages In This Thread
RE: I'm Alright ((Softube Console 1, SSL 400)) - by crownoise - 29-07-2017, 04:27 PM