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Crownoise Suit You! Would love some opinions!
You really hate these solos don't you? Check out my mix for an alternative approach... ;-)

But anyway, on to technical issues! Let's face it, most of us without super awesome computers have faced the issue of the CPU being overloaded and the song crapping out at some point...

Does your DAW have the option to "freeze" or "render" tracks that are using lots of CPU power? This will pre-render the effects and "freeze" it to the current state, thus removing those high CPU usage plugins while keeping the effect. Usually there is a way to go back, but meanwhile you can forge ahead using the extra CPU cycles to do something else.

Good luck!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Crownoise Suit You! Would love some opinions! - by CJ Fuller - 16-07-2017, 12:58 PM