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Love this song :)
(03-07-2017, 10:58 PM)Lammy Wrote: Hi there, good sound of guits, bass.

The kick is really disconcerting, in my opinion. The click component of the sound is, I believe too prominent (louder than the snare) and very uneven. Sounds like clipping in the plugin.
I think I understood what the plugin does to the waveform, but to the audio... not sure.

The hard pan of the guits is also disconcerting. In the headset (90% of any listening experience) the bridge riff leaves an hole in the "other" ear.
I would try to glue things up on the guits with a mono amb reverb panned opposite to the guit sound. I would also pan not 100%, say 80% max.

The snare is a little dry, a plate reverb + reverb eq would help also here to beef it up in a controlled way.

Not much to say on voxes, try just a little louder, and try to get some space filling with the aaaah's and mmmmmh's through wider panning.
Just my 2 cents.

Thank you Smile

No the kick doesn't distort. The 'klick' is intentional. I've run into a few situations before where I left the kick only in the very deep, which sounds cool on systems with sub-woofers but render the kick 'invisible' on systems that don't go low enough. So it's become a habit to make the kick have an element in a higher frequency-area that would work even if you listen to the song as muzak on a phone-line.

The plugin attempts to balance the positive and negative peak so they extend the same length from the body of the sound. In extreme cases a sound may extend only into the positive or negative space, meaning it can push the speaker-membrane only half its full travel-length. The plugin doesn't really change the sound, but just makes it possible to use the entire travel-length of the speaker-membrane (Allowing a larger dynamic range)

Yes, I did pan the guitars 100%, and you're correct; in headphones it gets quite dramatic when you suddenly lose one side. I really like that effect myself though (Like a brief touch of vertigo and then back on track, I just find such breaks can be stimulating in small doses), but perhaps a reverb could be useful. On loud-speakers the effect is not quite as prominent though.

Yes, the snare is completely dry (With only the little bit of room that bleeds from the overheads). Again a stylistic choice as I didn't want the song to be wet. Obviously we all have different taste, but I don't have good results myself when I 'wetten' up songs like this. I find it takes away from the raw'ness or gritty'ness or grunge'ness and pushes it from 'alternative' over more into indie-styles (Indie-styles, I find, are usually more 'light-weight' than 'alternative'. A bit like sneakers vs boots)
It's kinda hard for me to explain, but it's like it looses its weight a bit when reverbs soften things up. I love reverbs, but just not on this kind of music Smile

You want the vox louder? I was afraid I had placed it too loud already. I noticed in the preview the vox is much more drowned out under the guitars, and I wasn't sure if that was intentional or not.

Yeah the aaaah's and mmmmh's are quite centered, although some of the tracks are panned. I did this so they wouldn't compete with the guitars for width, but rather complement them by mostly only taking up the center (So you have 3 distinct side-ways 'locations' in the image)
I did pan a few tracks though, to make sure the chorus did have SOME width (Really only to separate it from the main vox, which is dead-center, so there was at least a little contrast between lead-vox and chorus)

Thanks a lot for your comments. I will give them some more thought and re-listen to the song later when I've put some distance to it and can hear it with fresh ears again Smile (And maybe re-do the mix, I'm not sure)

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Love this song :) - by JEL - 01-07-2017, 04:34 AM
RE: Love this song :) - by Lammy - 03-07-2017, 10:58 PM
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RE: Love this song :) - by Rob Sidhe - 18-09-2017, 10:49 PM
RE: Love this song :) - by JEL - 19-09-2017, 01:12 PM