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Softube Console 1, Waves, Kush, Slate, Eventide, A.O.M.
My random, terse comments:

A little more thump would not go amiss.
Need to make more room for the vocal in the chorus. The added guitars make it seem to dive down a bit.
Emphasize that bass slide at ~2:55.
Did you make a deliberate choice to toss the backing vocals in the chorus or did I just not pick them up?
I like the snap on the kick drum and think it could actually come up another dB.
Why the choice to fade in? Seems to cheat the tune of its initial impact.

Decently clean mix, though, and that certainly counts for a lot. Sometimes clarity is a b*** to achieve.
Old West Audio

Messages In This Thread
RE: Softube Console 1, Waves, Kush, Slate, Eventide, A.O.M. - by azwayne - 30-06-2017, 03:38 PM