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Crownoise Suit You! Would love some opinions!
I think the others have nailed it with the last comments and I really don't want to rehash that too much.

For me the electronic sounding drums really aren't fitting here, adding a sub to the kick would be fine just to beef up the kick a bit but with the rest of the kit replaced it sounds silly. The stock drum sounds here are actually pretty well recorded and it doesn't take much to make them fit in the mix(they're probably samples to begin with because of the lack of bleed on the close mics or just heavily gated drums), sample replacement is pointless here and it would really free up your CPU to ditch those samples.

Your best bet would to start from scratch and just do a faders only mix, establish a proper balance and not worry about using effects or tricks, from there you can establish what needs some eq, compression, gating, ect, your CPU will thank you and you'll find yourself with a decent mix that you can play with afterwords. It's a really common mistake to try to "reinvent the wheel" with tracks you're handed by a band (I'm guilty of doing it as well Big Grin), the band generally knows what they want and unless that 1. they tell you to add effects or make arrangement changes, 2. Are unhappy with the sounds they've given you,, or 3. The tracks are unusable without modification should you do anything drastic in terms of effects or rearranging the song.

I don't mean to sound harsh, this really isn't a good mix, it's unbalanced, over processed, and doesn't work with the song. You have good ideas but they aren't finished, in this case your CPU maxed out and you got too ambitious, use your CPU limitations to your advantage and focus on balance and the other general housekeeping and you'll end up with a much better sounding mix.

Mixing is way more art and soul than science. We don’t really know what we’re doing. We do it because we love music! It’s the love of music first. Eddie Kramer

Gear list: Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, Mbox Mini w/Pro Tools Express, Reaper, Various plugins, AKG K240 MKii, Audio Technica ATH M50x, Yorkville YSM 6

Messages In This Thread
RE: Crownoise Suit You! Would love some opinions! - by dcp10200 - 19-06-2017, 06:46 PM