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Dark Ride: Hammer Down Cubase PRO9 Mix
Hey everyone,

This song is just awesome so I had to give the mix a go! Also my first mix on this website, go easy on me Smile.
There is a lot going on in this mix, too much to list without being very long winded.
In short the main staples of plugins I used are Waves Rbass, C6, F6, CLA2A, PuigChild Compressors, Abbey Road Plates Reverb, Abbey Road Vinyl, Abbey Road RS56, PS22, Kings Microphone, and Steinberg's Stereo Delay. Slate Digital FG-X for Mastering.
For the record I absolutely love the new Waves F6 plugin! If you don’t own it go buy it immediately, it will breathe life into your mixes like crazy! Its like a surgical C6, arguably better imo.

This mix is also a headphone mix done on my Heil PRO3 Headphones.

What I would have done to make it even more consistent in the recording process is bumped up the midi velocity on the detailed ride work so less compression is required to get them loud enough. The two bass track tones are also drastically different so I massaged the secondary track to fit the tone of the main bass track better. I am assuming a distortion pedal not intended for bass was used. I thought about running it back through my Dark Glass B7K Ultra but I decided to see if I could make it work as it is.

Anyway thats enough for now, I look forward to having others put their ears to it for constructive criticisms so I can improve it more!



.mp3    Hammer Down.mp3 --  (Download: 11.59 MB)


Messages In This Thread
Dark Ride: Hammer Down Cubase PRO9 Mix - by kylesoundman - 15-06-2017, 07:21 AM