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Dark Ride - Hammer Down AbsoluteBeginner Mix
Hey not bad for absolute beginner!

I can only reference on my headphones right now, but I can still hear things that my help you. First thing, I think you are are using to much of the Fx snare. It's pushing the snare a bit far back. The guitars sound huge, but too huge makes the bottom end a bit muddy. I would try a little bit of high pass to give the bass some space so you can turn it down a bit and it's not fighting with the low end of the guitar. The overheads could use a bit of a boost along with some automation. I would keep the 1st verse guitars a little closer. Try listening in mono when making panning decisions.

There is a chirp from the guitar pick at the end of the solo just before the last Chorus that you should tone down with some automation. (it will probably sound more like a metronome to you)

I went to school for production and I will tell you that your work even with some of the flaws is better than what I heard from some people that I graduated with. I want to encourage to keep at it, Read Mike's books and any other stuff you can get your hands on.



Messages In This Thread
RE: Dark Ride - Hammer Down AbsoluteBeginner Mix - by molonlabe23 - 03-06-2017, 02:18 AM