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Dark Ride - Hammer Down (YN Records)
Hey Alex,

the snare and the cymbals/hihat sound thin and the drums & guitars are not pushing the song hard enough. Background vocals are too loud in the chorus (louder than the rhythm guitars). Did you use the room track to give the drums the right amount of ambience? It's kinda hard to tell what exactly is the problem because the balance is good and most of the tracks are in the right spot. What I didn't like: The vocal delay in the first bridge is too loud and distracting. And you have totally killed the melody guitar in the end of the solo when the solo guitar and melody guitar are doing some back & forth thingy.

Overall it's a good mix, but I miss some dirt and grit. I think you can make the drums bigger and give the mix more power by turning down the spot mic for the snare and bringing up the room track. And you should give the cymbals more body imho, they sound too thin - even for cymbals in metal Smile

Hope that helps - have a great day and keep up the good work Smile

Messages In This Thread
RE: Dark Ride - Hammer Down (YN Records) - by Blitzzz - 28-04-2017, 04:20 PM