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Decypher: 'Unseen' mix

Hey there! Regarding the mix, I feel that you did the vocals pretty well, they had everything it needed to cut through and didn't sound weird or out of place. They sat in the mix very well. I feel that there was a weird, whistling frequency in the high end of the snare that really annoyed me. The snare was also very dull sounding; it lacked a lot of high end, although it was quite punchy. If you removed the high end from the snare to get rid of bleed, you can eliminate bleed almost entirely with a gate (provided you set it up right). The kick was good, it sat in the mix well and sounded good for the genre. Punchy, but wasn't overly hyped. The bass cut through well enough, and judging from the low end presence in the guitars I can assume that it was doing it's job just fine. Guitars were a bit weird, they seemed to have this strange quality to them, as if there was distortion going on after the guitar amp. It sounded very strange and digital, clipped but not in a good way. Didn't hear too many super harsh frequencies in the guitar other than that, but sweep around with an EQ on a very high Q setting and nuke any frequencies that have a whistling or scratchy, "nails on a chalkboard" sound to them, just to be sure. In regards to the master, the compression on your master bus is, to be frank, absurdly aggressive. The mix volume is flying all over the place, and you can hear it pumping heavily whenever something with a lot of low end comes up. You should really back off on the compressors/limiters in your master bus (I.e. turn the ratio, input, gain reduction, or threshold down) it's really screwing with your mix. Other than that, brightening up the snare drum up and remove that weird frequency, along with figuring out where the weird sounding guitar distortion is coming from and fixing it, and your mix will improve greatly. I hope this helps!

Messages In This Thread
Decypher: 'Unseen' mix - by Jimdolorian - 16-03-2017, 02:49 AM
RE: Decypher: 'Unseen' mix - by NickKapp - 20-03-2017, 11:45 PM
RE: Decypher: 'Unseen' mix - by Jimdolorian - 23-03-2017, 10:44 AM
RE: Decypher: 'Unseen' mix - by NickKapp - 24-03-2017, 12:41 AM
RE: Decypher: 'Unseen' mix - by TiPa - 28-03-2017, 11:36 AM
RE: Decypher: 'Unseen' mix - by Jimdolorian - 29-03-2017, 03:17 AM