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'Through My Eyes' Chorus only mix (I'm a real amateur!)
Hi Dags - many thanks for the detail in your reply, this is very helpful. You are spot on with the bass..160-300Hz is where I had boosted in response to earlier comments. Now I have listened to the mixes on Studio Speakers the result is totally different! I'll try the Aux send when I tackle another song. I should be OK with this but links would be very useful anyway, thanks in advance. Mixing Secrets...on the Wish List now. Cheers. I think my brain will stop if I mix this one any more so this is my last upload. Reverb mostly gone now and vocals have come forward. The Delay on the vocal was a copy,past and shift and pan...but I've reduced the gap so it's not soo obvious. Many thanks again for your time.

.mp3    Fully Mixed9.mp3 --  (Download: 2.54 MB)


Messages In This Thread
RE: 'Through My Eyes' Chorus only mix (I'm a real amateur!) - by Cobbers - 11-06-2013, 08:29 AM