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Admiral Crumple 'Keeps Flowing' [MixdByD]
I uploaded it to the original post as [Final Master]

So I learned the side chain move. It was difficult and i'm not really sure how good it sounds.

I moved the kick back in the mix some and filtered a copy of the sample to enhance the low end. I also automated an extra eq channel on the original sample to take effect during the hook to get a similar sound to yours during the hook but its really subtle.

For the snare I threw on a gate compressor and tweaked a preset a but it doesn't snap like I originally aimed for. Just boosted it up to match the kick really.

The vocals I ended up automating with chorus and flange to bring out certain parts of the lyrics. I threw in proximity to see if I could get an effect out of it but I ended up using it just to change the tone a bit but I managed to get a less basic sound by adding another compressor and pushing it pretty hard.

Overall I'm satisfied but it's not as clean as I expected it to turn out but I didn't go back to it because underground hip hop is okay to be a little imperfect. For a small 10 multitrack it was pretty time consuming but I learned a lot like the side chain and making sure I don't leave too much empty space. I would usually just clean everything up and be satisfied but I have to continue to challenge myself with things like effects and automation so I can do better work faster without getting lazy about editing. Thanks again for your input and help. I'll look out for some of your future mixes to tell you what I think!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Admiral Crumple 'Keeps Flowing' [MixdByD] - by MixdByD - 30-11-2016, 02:20 AM