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ThePhonk's mix
Ah yes! Exactly the kind of response I wanted!

Now, I'm going to be honest there are things I like about your mix and things I don't. That is the nature of any kind of mix though. Even professional mixes. Just as an example Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen - Good Time (I like the song quite a bit personally) but one thing I don't like about the mix is how different the space sounds on the two vocals when they're soloed. For whatever reason it just rubs me the wrong way.

So, back on topic. I would say my problem is just how you decided to convey the spatial information. If you were going for more of a struggle between the guitars and the vocal then I did not hear it. I kind of get where you're coming from though. Now, sure every idea that you try is not going to pan out for everyone listening because we all hear things differently. Heck the loss in spatial information that I'm hearing could be due to how loud the mix is, how the instruments are EQed, how reverb is applied, how the instruments are dynamically met, and literally dozens of other aspects that determine the timbre.

Now, I agree that a lot of times when you've got a big band kind of situation or an orchestra you don't want to hear each individual instrument but instead you want to be able to hear the individual sections or maybe you just want to hear the entire orchestra. However, I think this is a poor example because a well recorded orchestra that is also tastefully mixed you can actually localize each individual instrument if you want and without issue at all. Now, I might be making a point that is also self defeating because an orchestra is an ensemble of great musicians playing together and playing off one another. Something that is much harder to do with say a rock band.

Last thing before my closing. To be fair towards Mike Senior, you typically don't want a bass instrument sent through a reverb because it may (normally) cause issues with keeping the track from sounding muddy. Just saying. Sure sometimes if I'm dealing with an electro style bass (when I'm actually composing) I'll through a cheap sounding digital plate on it and sidechain it to the kick for a more Benassi style sound. But I very rarely ever find that a bass sound needs reverb unless I'm doing it for pure effect and even then I start EQing both the send and the return to get that mud under control.

So, what I was trying to elicit from you was pretty much exactly what I got. That is to try and get more discussion about mixing itself. Trying to figure out why certain things for some inexplicable reason sound universally great and others sound universally bad.

Final thing for tonight, what I mean by my question of Does the mix truly exemplify the song? is meant purely as it is. Taking into account everything at the exact same moment does the mix become the epitome of what it can be? Could it be any better in any shape or fashion? Is the mix perfect? There are many ways that could be interpreted, but the end goal is something I believe to be impossible simply because there is no such thing as perfection but it is instead a goal to strive towards.

About the visual mixing guide. I've never heard of the book, but I can already say something. For as long as I can remember I have always paid a lot attention to how things sound and in the context of everything else. Now, granted it was not until I turned 21 did I really try to start understanding what I was hearing and how to turn what I was hearing into what I wanted to hear. Something that I've always noticed though is that I naturally automatically separate instruments vertically based on frequency content. If I close my eyes I just see where the instrument is placed. The kick being below the vocal, or the kick and bass occupying the same space but with the kick being engulfed by the bass. Very recently I have really started to pay attention to how reverb and EQ work together to control the depth of the instrument. But I'm still working on trying to figure out exactly how and why it works. Sure I could read about it, but I'd rather start to fool my own hearing senses as much as possible.

See discussion is fun! In the end what does it matter it that some anonymous guy located in some distant part of the world really thinks or cares about your mix? I mean sure it is great if they love your mix and they get every single point you were trying to emphasize with your mix. Sometimes it doesn't happen and there is nothing wrong with that. It could be that their simply saying thing out of their behind. Or it could simply be because they don't like the mix and felt it could be improved in some way or another. The real end goal of all of this should be to learn from one another and become better at mixing because honestly it is a truly enjoyable thing to do and a skill and art that most people are not even aware actually exists.

Messages In This Thread
ThePhonk's mix - by ThePhonk - 01-06-2013, 01:12 AM
RE: ThePhonk's mix - by APZX - 01-06-2013, 09:03 AM
RE: ThePhonk's mix - by ThePhonk - 01-06-2013, 03:47 PM
RE: ThePhonk's mix - by bmullen - 01-06-2013, 06:34 PM
RE: ThePhonk's mix - by APZX - 02-06-2013, 11:37 AM
RE: ThePhonk's mix - by ThePhonk - 03-06-2013, 12:42 AM
RE: ThePhonk's mix - by takka360 - 03-06-2013, 01:00 AM
RE: ThePhonk's mix - by APZX - 04-06-2013, 09:58 AM
RE: ThePhonk's mix - by ThePhonk - 04-06-2013, 03:51 PM
RE: ThePhonk's mix - by APZX - 05-06-2013, 01:13 PM
RE: ThePhonk's mix - by ThePhonk - 05-06-2013, 04:51 PM
RE: ThePhonk's mix - by APZX - 06-06-2013, 10:25 AM
RE: ThePhonk's mix - by ThePhonk - 06-06-2013, 09:39 PM