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Inner Circle- Mixed over a few days
I don't think it's jealousy at all. I think Dave is extremely cognizant of ear damage and ear fatigue, and he uses a lot of theory to back up his claims. From what I have seen, he is usually technically correct in his assertions. He is also very knowledgeable in the technical aspects of loudness and its real world applications. When he brings these subjects up, he is doing it with the noblest of intentions, I really do believe. He and I have had discussions where we have slightly varied approaches, but we can usually come to an understanding with each other. He is a very hard-lined type of person (some may call him an audio purist), and that can rub some people the wrong way, but even if some of the concerns he brought up were incorrect, I would actually prefer that the points were brought up, so that they can be looked at, discussed, reviewed, and ultimately (hopefully) a consensus could be reached, and everyone would benefit from the open discourse about the reasoning a statement or technique that was called into question. It is helpful that we have a representative of the artist to answer some of the claims, so that any misunderstandings about the recording process can be cleared up.

So, I guess the long and short of this is this: at least listen to a dissenting voice (or what is perceived to be such a voice) before you dismiss it. If you can find flaw in the logic, see if you can fill the gaps in reasoning. If you cannot do so, then cast that logic aside, until some insight strikes you, and you are able to make sense of something that once seemed illogical, or let it fade away.

This is a forum, if you disagree with someone, see if you can figure out why, and try not to take it personally.


"Let's get together and feel alright"


Messages In This Thread
RE: Inner Circle- Mixed over a few days - by loweche6 - 17-08-2016, 12:51 AM